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COVID-19 Financial Assistance

On October 9, 2020, the federal government announced its intention to introduce new legislation to provide additional COVID-19 related support, including:

2020년 10월 9 일 발표된 코비드 관련 정부 지원책 입니다.

적용대상과 신청방법은 아직 발표되지 않았고 추가발표가 나오는대로 업데이트 하겠습니다.

  • The new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy which would provide rent and mortgage support until June 2021 for qualifying organizations affected by COVID-19. The rent subsidy would be provided directly to tenants, while also providing support to property owners. The new rent subsidy would support businesses, charities, and non-profits that have suffered a revenue drop, by subsidizing a percentage of their expenses, on a sliding scale, up to a maximum of 65 per cent of eligible expenses until December 19, 2020. Organizations would be able to make claims retroactively for the period that began September 27 and ends October 24, 2020.

새로운 렌트보조금은 세입자 뿐 아니라 건물 소유주에게도 적용가능

내년 6월 21일까지 Eligible Expense의 최고 65% 지원

종전에 렌트보조금은 건물주가 신청했으나 새 보조금은 세입자에게 직접 지급

A top-up Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy of 25 per cent for organizations temporarily shut down by a mandatory public health order issued by a qualifying public health authority, in addition to the 65 per cent subsidy.

레스토랑처럼 보건당국에 의해 한시적으로 사업장이 폐쇠된 경우 25% 추가 지급

  • The extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy until June 2021. The subsidy would remain at the current subsidy rate of up to a maximum of 65 per cent of eligible wages until December 19, 2020.

급여보조금 (CEWS)는 2021년 6월까지 연장

  • An expanded Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA), which would enable businesses, and not-for-profits eligible for CEBA loans to access an interest-free loan of up to $20,000, in addition to the original CEBA loan of $40,000. Half of this additional financing would be forgivable if repaid by December 31, 2022. Additionally, the application deadline for CEBA is being extended to December 31, 2020. Further details, including the launch date and application process will be announced in the coming days. An attestation of the impact of COVID-19 on the business will be required to access the additional financing.

무이자 대출 (CEBA) 2만불 추가지급- 지급기준은 발표되지 않았음

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